
Trunnion Mounted Ball Valve

The M&J ball valve seat incorporates a patent pending combination nylon and elastomer seal that acts as the primary seal in both high and low pressure differential conditions.Seat rings are spring loaded for low pressure sealing. The valve is offered in 6”- 42” sizes, 150-1500 ANSI Pressure classes, and has a standard operating temperature range of -20° to 250° F (-29° to 121° C).
The valve’s innovative design includes internal trunnion blocks which eliminate the need for the lower ball trunnion to penetrate the body cavity, preventing a possible leak path. The trunnions are integral with the ball and are precisely fitted into TFE lined bearing blocks supported within the body. The bearings absorb the side load generated by pressure acting on the ball. This design feature provides consistent torque and the exact location and support of the ball.
Double Block and Bleed
The valve possesses double block and bleed capability where the body cavity can be vented with the ball in the fully open or closed position. Vent fittings in the upper body and a combination vent / drain fitting in the bottom of the body provides this functionality.
Control Options
The ball valve is compatible with a variety of control options including lever or worm gear actuators for manual operation, electric, pneumatic, hydraulic, or other actuator types as specified.
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